Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Graphonomy--insight to the human mind

Man is the only animal who can speak ,read and write.
These are the different ways in which our thoughts find
an expression. There are times when man endeavours to
conceal emotions. but these emotions, often, inadvertently
find a way to vent themselves to the world.One such way is through
the way we write...if you are still unaware of the fact that a
person's handwriting can speak volumes about your thoughts
then let me tell u more about it.

Graphonomy ,popularly known as graphology is the study of
human handwriting to analyze a person's character.
It is often used by phsychiatrists,specially criminal
phsychiatrists to study mental and emotional behaviour.
Your brain guides your hand. Everything put on paper is a result
of a two-way circuit between your brain and the motor reflex muscles of your hand.

When you first see someone's handwriting what you notice first is the darkness..
it shows the flow of the emotional energy.Some people write so hard that you can feel
the impression on the back page

The slant is the second indicator to look for. The slant indicates the writers
emotional response to external forces.
A right slant (///) signals one who responds strongly to emotional situations.
They are caring, warm and outgoing-- their heart rules their mind in a turbulent situation.
more often regarded as the emotional fools.
A vertical slant (lll) writer tries to keep their emotions in check--
mind rules their heart.
A left slant writer (\\\) will conceal their emotions and is often interpreted as
unwelcoming or cold and indifferent.

The baseline when you write on a plane page also indicates your approach to life.
normal ones are a bit wavy.

control freaks,excessively disciplined ones have a straight baseline
The optimistic ones usually have an upward slope.
The pessimistic ones have a downward slope.
The confused category will write in an extreme wavy manner.

The spacing between adjacent words indicate your confidence level...
average spacing shows self confidence whereas the compressed words
indicate lack of self morale.
The ones with too much space tell us about confused and mixed up minds.

Even the way you write ,the speed describe your personality.

I would recommend this site,not foolproof though..

So ..next time you ...present a report to your boss
or decide to write someone a nice love letter..mind your
'p's and 'q's.